Saturday 31 January 2015

Financial literacy is a new solution is a first article that I am going to share on this infinite world of Internet.Actually, I believe that capitalism with democracy has transformed our lives greatly so we all people from east to west who are sharing same problems and issues but in different ways need a newest solution and that solution is Financial literacy.It is not merely balancing expenses and revenues, It is a mindset which not only measure our ways to earn money but also it shapes our attitude towards understanding real meanings of prosperity.
Everyone in this world understands things in his/her own way.For me, this literacy is basic of all knowledge as yet.
I believe Financial literacy is actually an end to financial slavery.
Financial Expert Mr.Robert Kiyosaki, writes in his book" Rich Dad,Poor Dad":
"It's not How much money you make, It's How much money you keep".
So I will share with you people the ways that can help us in not only making money but also How can multiply our money to give it longevity.

It is our new Journey to very destined land of Abundance, Fulfillment and Opportunities.